A couple weeks ago, I got it into my head that I too wanted to be a warrior :) You know, prove a point to people and myself, and say hey just because I don't have a thyroid doesn't mean I can't be a warrior!!! So what did I do I signed up for the Warrior Dash!!! The Warrior Dash is a run/obstacle course and at the end you get to claim that you are a Warrior! You have to crawl through mud, jump over stuff, clumb stuff, and whatever else they decide to throw at you. I unfortunatly, haven't had much time to train, and even bootcamp has been on the backburner thanks to a super busy work schedule, but I am looking forward to the experience either way. When I signed up, a couple weeks ago I thought to myself I am not going to do this for a time, I am going to do this for fun, for me and to prove that I am a warrior! The race is next weekend and I do feel slighly nervous since I haven't been able to train like I would have liked. This week, I am going to try and get some work-outs in starting with a bike ride today, bootcamp tomorrow, bootcamp wednesday, and hopefully some light walking or running on Tuesday or Thursday. I am going to try and stick to the plan as much as a I can, but unfortunatly this week is going to be stressfull to infinity and beyond. Somewhere between all this I also decided to try a new brand of medication, I was noticing that the Synthroid was giving me some really bad headaches, one day I tried the other brand that doctor gave me and no headache so I just kept with it. My energy has been a little low on some days, but I have also be under a ridicoulus amount of stress so it's hard for me to say where my lack of energy is coming from. So wish me luck in my becoming a Warrior Adventure!!! I can't wait to update my blog with some pictures!!! In case you are curious about the Warrior Dash here is the link: