
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hashimotos fluffiness .. booo hiss !

  Let me just be honest and say,  I have had the hardest time getting on track. It's like I decided to let loose and now I am sitting her going what did I do to myself.     I keep getting on track and then falling off of it.   I know it has to do with me just wanting to be like everyone else.  I want to be able to eat whatever I want and be able to work it off.    I have been keeping up with my workouts,   despite having to take some time off due to hip flexor and IT band injury. but even at that I still managed to turn into one big marshmallow fluff.        

I had noticed my fluffiness creeping back on slow and steady, expanding just like Marshmallow's do they spread and puff.   My stomach looks like a big Marshamallow puff, and while you might think I am exaggerting or that I am being hard on myself, well pictures speak 1,000 words and this is where I see it the most.   How I let myself get this this point I don't know,  I know better, but hey sometimes we want to live life to the fullest right !     As upset as I am, I have  decided to use this feeling as my starting point.  I have been monitoring what I have been eating ,and have gone back to cutting out gluten 100% .     Believe it or not,  within just a couple days of being gluten free my fluffiness has started to subside.    Don't get me wrong, I am not completely fluff free but  it's a start.   

I must keep on track, and  I know I will be going out of town very soon, and will more than likely engage in naughty eating habits, but I am only going to allow myself to enjoy myself while there and then come back and get right back into the swing of things.        

You may wonder why I am being so though on myself and is it really necessary to cut out certain foods, well the answer is I truly don't know.  I do know however , that I see  results when I don't eat gluten.  My energy level is better and I have less fluffiness.    

 I am not saying to run out and go purchase all kinds of gluten free items and eat processed foods.  I am saying what we should be focusing on is eating as much unprocessed foods as we can, and those foods more than likely would be gluten free (for example: vegetables and fruit).    I think just from my personal experience, I have determined that in order for me to eliminate some of the side effects of having Hashimotos,   I must feed my body the best nutrients I can.  I think in order for my body to get these nutrients, I need to make it easy for my body to not have to shuffle through the junk.     

I am obviously no expert in the area but it makes sense to me. Those of us with autoimmune disorders such as Hashimotos are already having to fight our own bodies, so why make our body fight against things that are considered "foreign"  when we can perhaps help our body.

I know this isn't a cure, but it won't hurt to try.   Unfortunately, I haven't come across much medical evidence in regards to the gluten and Hashimotos connection from the "Traditional" medicine standpoint, but I have seen information from the Holistic standpoint.   I personally believe there is not one single answer, and we have to do what we feel is best for us.        

So on that note,  I hope that next time I blog about fluffiness it's that I have reduced it and not increased it again!     With that, I hope everyone is doing well, and keep your head up. We are all fighters and together we can do this!


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