
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Randomness and good link :)

Once again, time flew by and I haven't had a chance to update my blog!! I was gone for much of the summer first in Colorado and then in Alaska ,so that took away my blog time. I will be posting about these adventures in the near future.
 While I love traveling and had a blast, there are always consequences to not watching what you eat and not exercising the way we should. This is something that will always be a struggle for me and I am sure many others. 

I have a bunch of random thoughts today, so I guess I will go with random thought number one which is............ going to the Doctor. I think this is on my mind right now because I just came from the Dr. I am sure we all get frustrated with our Doctors, and don't get me wrong I am so grateful for them, but sometimes I just want for them to entertain my crazy theories or to spend hours going over my stuff until they have me figured out. The last appointment I went to in June/July I left with the: "what I spent 500 hundred hours waiting for you and you only saw me for 10 minutes attitude." I get that they don't have a lot of time, but if I want to talk about my concerns for 10 hours, let me talk about my concerns for ten hours lol! If i want to talk about my crazy theories, let me talk about my theories. Most of the time when I start talking to my Doctors they kind of blow me off. Sometimes they look at me like, wow how do you know this, or I don't have time to answer this right now. I guess I should also consider that they probably also get frustrated with their patients especially when they don't listen to what they tell their patients to do. I know I have been guilty of that.

 On the bright side not all visits are equal. I am feeling revived and ready to get things going in the right direction again. Today I went to a Doctor's office, where they believe in treating Holistically so after talking with the Physician Assistant I left feeling like I am ready to take on my challenges. I am understanding once again that I am a weird normal not an average normal ; whatever that is. It is so nice and I am so lucky to have access to this wonderful place. It is nice to talk with a medical professional who will listen and not make you feel like you are crazy. So on that note one topic of discussion is always weight loss and what should and shouldn't we eat. I was contacted during the summer by someone who wrote an article on losing weight with hypothyroidism.

I found the information to be helpful and a great summary of what we should be doing. Check it out!!!! I hope all is well with everyone!!! Happy reading!!

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