I have been wanting to update my blog since March, but things got pretty hectic. I am finally taking the time today to post some updates. For about 6 months to a year before March, I had been getting this pain on right my side that I assumed was from lifting weights and trying to be Hercules by attending cross fit type classes. I have to say for a while, I was feeling impressed with myself. Look at me , thyroidless and wimpy being strong lol!
Eventually I went in for routine blood work and noticed that my liver enzymes were elevated. When I pointed this out to my endocrinologist, he ran the blood work again and since they came back okay he said it was probably fatty liver. Naturally, I started looking up the connection between Hashimotos and fatty liver and as usual I did manage to find information indicating that those of us with thyroid problems tend to have increased chances of developing fatty liver. Of course ,I got mad for having stupid Hashimotos but I decided I would try to look up information and see what I could do to keep it from getting worse or reverse it.
Despite this information, I decided to share my blood work with the functional medicine office that I go to. The Nurse Practitioner whom I absolutely love started asking me questions. One of the questions being if I was ever nauseated or had pains and to show her where the pain was at. So I told her that I was experiencing an increase in nausea but wasn't certain if it was because I hadn't been watching my diet as closely. She decided to run some more blood work, initially I hoped that there would be nothing wrong and that it was all just in my imagination. Unfortunately, I got a phone call from them indicating that they wanted me to get an Ultrasound and see a specialist right away. My first response was, that I wanted to re-do my blood work because I had been sick the day before the blood work and that I would wait until the next appointment. The next day they called me again saying that the Nurse Practitioner did not want me to wait until the next appointment, and that I needed to go get the Ultrasound and schedule an appointment with the specialist. Actually, they told me that they had already contacted the specialist and they would be calling me for an appointment. Can you say PANIC!!!!!!
I went ahead and complied with their request because they sent me into freak out mode. I was so nervous, and kept recalling all the tests, and scans I had done before and after I had my thyroid removed. Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long before I got my results, and turns out I had a pretty big sized gallstone. Granted this wasn't the best news, but I was thankful it was nothing worse. I wasn't too surprised as the number of people on my mom's side of the family without a Gallbladder is pretty high. As much as I hate the idea of surgery, I ended up having my Gallbladder removed and I do have to say it has been nice to have nausea every time I eat, but it got me thinking. One thought was is their a link between Gallbladder issues and Hashimotos, and the other thought was well now what.
I have come across various blogs and facebook posts regarding the link between Gallbladder disease and Hashimotos. Some talking about how being gluten free is very important especially if you have Hashimotos, and other information indicating that hypothyroidism slows down the overall process of the liver metabolizing and filtering toxins which in turn makes the gallbladder produce gallstones due to congestion. So because I hadn't been completely gluten free I wanted to hit myself over the head., and then I realized while that would have been helpful it also wasn't entirely my fault. I mean why blame myself when I can blame this dumb autoimmune disease and my genetics lol! All in all I do think it was best that I did have my Gallbladder removed before it busted 👖and then I would have been in real trouble.
So now , I am in the now what phase:
1)What else is going to happen now that I am missing both a thyroid and a Gallbladder? Ugh !!! I mean I know there could be worse things out there but can this domino effect please just stop?! Actually, as I am typing this up I am currently waiting on some blood work to see how hormone levels , and cholesterol , and so on and so on are.
2) What do I need to do regarding my diet? I know I need to eat organic, and I know I need to not eat gluten but it can be overwhelming, and I just want to have fun like other people.
3) What about my liver, what can I do to keep it health or in my case get it back to normal.? Which turns out when they did a liver biopsy as part of my surgery that I do have mild fatty liver. Which could be result that my liver was trying to compensate for my gallbladder, and also Hashimotos.
There has to be some kind of balance out there, and I will find it and I will get on track. I just need to say NO , when I am tempted with the things I shouldn't be eating or drinking which is so much easier said than done. Maybe it's time to take charge and be the Hercules of my diet, rather than the Hercules of cross fit?!
Adventures of a Thyroidless Girl
Not having a thyroid is an adventure in itself!!! I created this blog in hopes of sharing my adventures with nutrition, weightloss, exercise,learning about thyroid diseases, and living life!!!
Monday, July 17, 2017
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Randomness and good link :)
Once again, time flew by and I haven't had a chance to update my blog!!
I was gone for much of the summer first in Colorado and then in Alaska ,so that took away my blog time. I will be posting about these adventures in the near future.
While I love traveling and had a blast, there are always consequences to not watching what you eat and not exercising the way we should. This is something that will always be a struggle for me and I am sure many others.
I have a bunch of random thoughts today, so I guess I will go with random thought number one which is............ going to the Doctor. I think this is on my mind right now because I just came from the Dr. I am sure we all get frustrated with our Doctors, and don't get me wrong I am so grateful for them, but sometimes I just want for them to entertain my crazy theories or to spend hours going over my stuff until they have me figured out. The last appointment I went to in June/July I left with the: "what I spent 500 hundred hours waiting for you and you only saw me for 10 minutes attitude." I get that they don't have a lot of time, but if I want to talk about my concerns for 10 hours, let me talk about my concerns for ten hours lol! If i want to talk about my crazy theories, let me talk about my theories. Most of the time when I start talking to my Doctors they kind of blow me off. Sometimes they look at me like, wow how do you know this, or I don't have time to answer this right now. I guess I should also consider that they probably also get frustrated with their patients especially when they don't listen to what they tell their patients to do. I know I have been guilty of that.
On the bright side not all visits are equal. I am feeling revived and ready to get things going in the right direction again. Today I went to a Doctor's office, where they believe in treating Holistically so after talking with the Physician Assistant I left feeling like I am ready to take on my challenges. I am understanding once again that I am a weird normal not an average normal ; whatever that is. It is so nice and I am so lucky to have access to this wonderful place. It is nice to talk with a medical professional who will listen and not make you feel like you are crazy. So on that note one topic of discussion is always weight loss and what should and shouldn't we eat. I was contacted during the summer by someone who wrote an article on losing weight with hypothyroidism.
I found the information to be helpful and a great summary of what we should be doing. Check it out!!!! I hope all is well with everyone!!! Happy reading!!
While I love traveling and had a blast, there are always consequences to not watching what you eat and not exercising the way we should. This is something that will always be a struggle for me and I am sure many others.
I have a bunch of random thoughts today, so I guess I will go with random thought number one which is............ going to the Doctor. I think this is on my mind right now because I just came from the Dr. I am sure we all get frustrated with our Doctors, and don't get me wrong I am so grateful for them, but sometimes I just want for them to entertain my crazy theories or to spend hours going over my stuff until they have me figured out. The last appointment I went to in June/July I left with the: "what I spent 500 hundred hours waiting for you and you only saw me for 10 minutes attitude." I get that they don't have a lot of time, but if I want to talk about my concerns for 10 hours, let me talk about my concerns for ten hours lol! If i want to talk about my crazy theories, let me talk about my theories. Most of the time when I start talking to my Doctors they kind of blow me off. Sometimes they look at me like, wow how do you know this, or I don't have time to answer this right now. I guess I should also consider that they probably also get frustrated with their patients especially when they don't listen to what they tell their patients to do. I know I have been guilty of that.
On the bright side not all visits are equal. I am feeling revived and ready to get things going in the right direction again. Today I went to a Doctor's office, where they believe in treating Holistically so after talking with the Physician Assistant I left feeling like I am ready to take on my challenges. I am understanding once again that I am a weird normal not an average normal ; whatever that is. It is so nice and I am so lucky to have access to this wonderful place. It is nice to talk with a medical professional who will listen and not make you feel like you are crazy. So on that note one topic of discussion is always weight loss and what should and shouldn't we eat. I was contacted during the summer by someone who wrote an article on losing weight with hypothyroidism.
I found the information to be helpful and a great summary of what we should be doing. Check it out!!!! I hope all is well with everyone!!! Happy reading!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
I tried a Tri !
One of the things I have always done is give myself challenges. These challenges are stepping stones in proving to myself that even without a Thyroid I can accomplish great things. One challenge I have always wanted to do was complete a Triathlon . In October I did a Tri-relay with some friends. I stuck to the part of the relay I knew I could handle , the running part. After completing this relay , I was motivated to take a bigger step so I signed up for a indoor Triathlon.
I know for some this may seem silly , or that since it was indoors that it wasn't a real Triathlon . For me , it was real and it was an accomplishment. I swam , I rode a stationary bike and I jogged on the treadmill. I am not a good swimmer so that part was tough!!! I discovered I can back float pretty well :) I was pleased with myself that I completed it and didn't stop. I got tired but I pushed myself to continue on. I refuse to let this disease get the best of me. Of course , now I have it in my head that I would like to try a beginner outdoor Triathlon, but that is going to take some time and lots of training . Not sure I have the stamina for all that but, it may be worth trying.
I know this post is short , but I am hoping that it motivates you in some way ! It's a tough fight having thyroid issues. People don't realize how much of a challenge it is living without a thyroid or living with thyroid issues . They think it's not a big deal , and that we are being cry babies . Wrong, they are cry babies!! We are the survivors!
I consider thyroid disease a life long Triathlon. We have to constantly push ourselves, even sometimes to just get out of bed . It is a daily struggle. We have to constantly fight and rise to the challenges we have been given. One that note don't give up!! Rise to the occasion and complete your challenge , take your time and do it day by day . Take breaks when you need to and go full force when you can. It's not easy but it can be done. It's funny to me because everyone always asks how come I have so much energy. I don't , I take my rest days and when I am active I do my best to show others that if I can do this, then they can too.
I know for some this may seem silly , or that since it was indoors that it wasn't a real Triathlon . For me , it was real and it was an accomplishment. I swam , I rode a stationary bike and I jogged on the treadmill. I am not a good swimmer so that part was tough!!! I discovered I can back float pretty well :) I was pleased with myself that I completed it and didn't stop. I got tired but I pushed myself to continue on. I refuse to let this disease get the best of me. Of course , now I have it in my head that I would like to try a beginner outdoor Triathlon, but that is going to take some time and lots of training . Not sure I have the stamina for all that but, it may be worth trying.
I know this post is short , but I am hoping that it motivates you in some way ! It's a tough fight having thyroid issues. People don't realize how much of a challenge it is living without a thyroid or living with thyroid issues . They think it's not a big deal , and that we are being cry babies . Wrong, they are cry babies!! We are the survivors!
I consider thyroid disease a life long Triathlon. We have to constantly push ourselves, even sometimes to just get out of bed . It is a daily struggle. We have to constantly fight and rise to the challenges we have been given. One that note don't give up!! Rise to the occasion and complete your challenge , take your time and do it day by day . Take breaks when you need to and go full force when you can. It's not easy but it can be done. It's funny to me because everyone always asks how come I have so much energy. I don't , I take my rest days and when I am active I do my best to show others that if I can do this, then they can too.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Hashimotos fluffiness .. booo hiss !
Let me just be honest and say, I have had the hardest time getting on track. It's like I decided to let loose and now I am sitting her going what did I do to myself. I keep getting on track and then falling off of it. I know it has to do with me just wanting to be like everyone else. I want to be able to eat whatever I want and be able to work it off. I have been keeping up with my workouts, despite having to take some time off due to hip flexor and IT band injury. but even at that I still managed to turn into one big marshmallow fluff.
I had noticed my fluffiness creeping back on slow and steady, expanding just like Marshmallow's do they spread and puff. My stomach looks like a big Marshamallow puff, and while you might think I am exaggerting or that I am being hard on myself, well pictures speak 1,000 words and this is where I see it the most. How I let myself get this this point I don't know, I know better, but hey sometimes we want to live life to the fullest right ! As upset as I am, I have decided to use this feeling as my starting point. I have been monitoring what I have been eating ,and have gone back to cutting out gluten 100% . Believe it or not, within just a couple days of being gluten free my fluffiness has started to subside. Don't get me wrong, I am not completely fluff free but it's a start.
I must keep on track, and I know I will be going out of town very soon, and will more than likely engage in naughty eating habits, but I am only going to allow myself to enjoy myself while there and then come back and get right back into the swing of things.
You may wonder why I am being so though on myself and is it really necessary to cut out certain foods, well the answer is I truly don't know. I do know however , that I see results when I don't eat gluten. My energy level is better and I have less fluffiness.
I am not saying to run out and go purchase all kinds of gluten free items and eat processed foods. I am saying what we should be focusing on is eating as much unprocessed foods as we can, and those foods more than likely would be gluten free (for example: vegetables and fruit). I think just from my personal experience, I have determined that in order for me to eliminate some of the side effects of having Hashimotos, I must feed my body the best nutrients I can. I think in order for my body to get these nutrients, I need to make it easy for my body to not have to shuffle through the junk.
I am obviously no expert in the area but it makes sense to me. Those of us with autoimmune disorders such as Hashimotos are already having to fight our own bodies, so why make our body fight against things that are considered "foreign" when we can perhaps help our body.
I know this isn't a cure, but it won't hurt to try. Unfortunately, I haven't come across much medical evidence in regards to the gluten and Hashimotos connection from the "Traditional" medicine standpoint, but I have seen information from the Holistic standpoint. I personally believe there is not one single answer, and we have to do what we feel is best for us.
So on that note, I hope that next time I blog about fluffiness it's that I have reduced it and not increased it again! With that, I hope everyone is doing well, and keep your head up. We are all fighters and together we can do this!
I had noticed my fluffiness creeping back on slow and steady, expanding just like Marshmallow's do they spread and puff. My stomach looks like a big Marshamallow puff, and while you might think I am exaggerting or that I am being hard on myself, well pictures speak 1,000 words and this is where I see it the most. How I let myself get this this point I don't know, I know better, but hey sometimes we want to live life to the fullest right ! As upset as I am, I have decided to use this feeling as my starting point. I have been monitoring what I have been eating ,and have gone back to cutting out gluten 100% . Believe it or not, within just a couple days of being gluten free my fluffiness has started to subside. Don't get me wrong, I am not completely fluff free but it's a start.
I must keep on track, and I know I will be going out of town very soon, and will more than likely engage in naughty eating habits, but I am only going to allow myself to enjoy myself while there and then come back and get right back into the swing of things.
You may wonder why I am being so though on myself and is it really necessary to cut out certain foods, well the answer is I truly don't know. I do know however , that I see results when I don't eat gluten. My energy level is better and I have less fluffiness.
I am not saying to run out and go purchase all kinds of gluten free items and eat processed foods. I am saying what we should be focusing on is eating as much unprocessed foods as we can, and those foods more than likely would be gluten free (for example: vegetables and fruit). I think just from my personal experience, I have determined that in order for me to eliminate some of the side effects of having Hashimotos, I must feed my body the best nutrients I can. I think in order for my body to get these nutrients, I need to make it easy for my body to not have to shuffle through the junk.
I am obviously no expert in the area but it makes sense to me. Those of us with autoimmune disorders such as Hashimotos are already having to fight our own bodies, so why make our body fight against things that are considered "foreign" when we can perhaps help our body.
I know this isn't a cure, but it won't hurt to try. Unfortunately, I haven't come across much medical evidence in regards to the gluten and Hashimotos connection from the "Traditional" medicine standpoint, but I have seen information from the Holistic standpoint. I personally believe there is not one single answer, and we have to do what we feel is best for us.
So on that note, I hope that next time I blog about fluffiness it's that I have reduced it and not increased it again! With that, I hope everyone is doing well, and keep your head up. We are all fighters and together we can do this!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Just a little update :)
Time to get posting again. I finally finished my 3rd degree, and now I am on to figuring out what to do next. I am taking a little bit of a break, and plan to look into some PhD programs. Yes, I am addicted to school, I don't know why but I am. I guess I figure might as well just continue to learn and learn and learn. Maybe I am on a path of being over educated, but it never seemed to hurt anyone or did it?
My last post was in regards to eating gluten free and trying out a new medicine. Unfortunately, the natural thyroid pill (Armour) for me made my heart race too much. I did feel like it helped me with losing weight, but I finally decided that I just couldn't tolerate the palpitations. I am back on synthroid for now. I do feel that eliminating gluten was very helpful, although recently I have fallen off the wagon and just can't seem to get back in control. I almost feel like it is an addiction, I know I shouldn't have it but continue to eat it. I guess it's all just part of being human we fall and stumble and have to get up and get back to it. I kind of feel like it's back to square one, but I know I can do this.
I have increased my running again, and been working out pretty consistently for the past several months. I have grown stronger physically and mentally. I am surprised and how much I have been able to push myself to do. I have learned so much about my physical and mental strength. I still have my doubts and still worry that I will be in the middle of a task and just conk out of energy. One things for sure is that I know have something to reflect back on and say , hey if I can flip a tire and lift heavier weights I can certainly walk or run more than 3 miles. I do have to say that working out in high intensity has increased my stamina, helped me lose inches, gain confidence, and just made me feel better.
I do have some goals in mind that I need to get started on:
1) Get back on track with my eating (you can work out all you want but if you aren't eating right than it's contradictory.)
2) Start studying for GRE
3) Look into PhD programs
4) Get back to blogging
5) Figure out how to get my own business going in my field.
My last post was in regards to eating gluten free and trying out a new medicine. Unfortunately, the natural thyroid pill (Armour) for me made my heart race too much. I did feel like it helped me with losing weight, but I finally decided that I just couldn't tolerate the palpitations. I am back on synthroid for now. I do feel that eliminating gluten was very helpful, although recently I have fallen off the wagon and just can't seem to get back in control. I almost feel like it is an addiction, I know I shouldn't have it but continue to eat it. I guess it's all just part of being human we fall and stumble and have to get up and get back to it. I kind of feel like it's back to square one, but I know I can do this.
I have increased my running again, and been working out pretty consistently for the past several months. I have grown stronger physically and mentally. I am surprised and how much I have been able to push myself to do. I have learned so much about my physical and mental strength. I still have my doubts and still worry that I will be in the middle of a task and just conk out of energy. One things for sure is that I know have something to reflect back on and say , hey if I can flip a tire and lift heavier weights I can certainly walk or run more than 3 miles. I do have to say that working out in high intensity has increased my stamina, helped me lose inches, gain confidence, and just made me feel better.
I do have some goals in mind that I need to get started on:
1) Get back on track with my eating (you can work out all you want but if you aren't eating right than it's contradictory.)
2) Start studying for GRE
3) Look into PhD programs
4) Get back to blogging
5) Figure out how to get my own business going in my field.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
28 days of gluten free and more!
As usual things got very busy and I hadn't had a chance to catch up on my blog. However, I wanted to give a little update. I belong to a Hashimotos Thyroid information group on Facebook, it has been very insightful. Recently, I was informed that my current endocrinologist is no longer going to be taking my insurance, so PANIC mode set in. I posted on the board, and someone directed me to a group that is on Facebook that is San Antonio based. What a blessing it has been, they recommended a group of doctors who are MD's but also believe in functional/holistic medicine. I was very leery at first, thinking oh here we go it's just another doctor who is going to get all my crazy idea and blow me off. Wow, was I surprised not only did they listen to me and ask me how I was feeling they listened to my crazy ideas and took them into consideration. The doctor basically said if you have Hashimotos that you should avoid gluten regardless if you have Celiac or not. He also informed that corn is a problem for a lot of people because it is genetically modified, as well as soy. I was shocked when he mentioned corn, I knew about soy but corn!!! He then put me on a modified elimination diet, and suggested I do a "cleanse", which of course invovled buying some protein powder and probiotics from their office but it is stuff I use anyway so for me no big deal. I am currently and my 6th day of being completely Gluten free as well as eliminating some other stuff. The first 3 days were pure torture and I was craving all kind of things, things I don't even like (hamburgers with lots of bread). I am now over the hump and I truely believe that my stomach is starting to settle down. I have a long way to go, and not sure what will come out of all this but for those of you considering giving up gluten just to see how things go I highly recommend. I am basically doing something similiar to the autoimmune paleo diet, however I believe if you google modified elimination diet you will find some information.
Just an an FYI, after the 28 days I have a list of foods that I am supposed to incorporate every 3 days, and see how I feel. I have heard some people are able to add everything back in and some people realize that they are sensitive to something and just never new. Also, my main reason for doing this was because of my last theory : Since my thyroid was removed and Hashimotos attacks your thryoid, then that is the reason for suddently developing food allergies. My body has decicded to attack food. I was also given the recommendation to read a book called: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause by Izabella Wentz , Pharm D. I just received the book earlier this week, and as soon as I read it I hope to give everyone an update. Basically, I was told that this book goes along very well with my current theory, so I am itching to read it.
If any of you are interested in reading it here is the link on amazon.
I will also keep ya'll posted at to how my 28 days of gluten free, corn, dairy, soy, red meat, and "fake" sugar, and nuts goes. It's been interesting and I have had to be creative! Luckily this week, a personal trainer from another gym has offered to prep 5 days worth of meals for me that meet this guidelines. I am a little excited by also a little nervous!
If any of you are in the San Antonio area and or seeking a total wellness center then I recommend Vital Wellness Center here is the link: ( I was lucky and they did take my insurance, but not sure if they take everyone's)
I am also trying to keep up with my exercise so I am currently working out 3-5 days a week from low intensity to high intensity. I have felt stronger, and I did lose some inches but it's a daily struggle! Don't give up, if your struggling with this just take it day by day and keep on pushing.
Finally, I cam across this recipe on pintrest I swapped pumpking for sweet potato they looked really ugly but very tasty!!!
I hope everyone is well!!!
Just an an FYI, after the 28 days I have a list of foods that I am supposed to incorporate every 3 days, and see how I feel. I have heard some people are able to add everything back in and some people realize that they are sensitive to something and just never new. Also, my main reason for doing this was because of my last theory : Since my thyroid was removed and Hashimotos attacks your thryoid, then that is the reason for suddently developing food allergies. My body has decicded to attack food. I was also given the recommendation to read a book called: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: Lifestyle Interventions for Finding and Treating the Root Cause by Izabella Wentz , Pharm D. I just received the book earlier this week, and as soon as I read it I hope to give everyone an update. Basically, I was told that this book goes along very well with my current theory, so I am itching to read it.
If any of you are interested in reading it here is the link on amazon.
I will also keep ya'll posted at to how my 28 days of gluten free, corn, dairy, soy, red meat, and "fake" sugar, and nuts goes. It's been interesting and I have had to be creative! Luckily this week, a personal trainer from another gym has offered to prep 5 days worth of meals for me that meet this guidelines. I am a little excited by also a little nervous!
If any of you are in the San Antonio area and or seeking a total wellness center then I recommend Vital Wellness Center here is the link: ( I was lucky and they did take my insurance, but not sure if they take everyone's)
I am also trying to keep up with my exercise so I am currently working out 3-5 days a week from low intensity to high intensity. I have felt stronger, and I did lose some inches but it's a daily struggle! Don't give up, if your struggling with this just take it day by day and keep on pushing.
Finally, I cam across this recipe on pintrest I swapped pumpking for sweet potato they looked really ugly but very tasty!!!
I hope everyone is well!!!
Monday, May 19, 2014
Food allergies and Thyroid is there a connection?
Hello everyone,
I know it's been a while since I have posted. As usual, I got very busy with work and school! I have a break form school right now so I decided it would be a good time to write something. I wanted to share my question, see if anyone has an answer, so here it goes!
As we all know problems with the thyroid often means problems with something else. Well, I have now discovered a new problem. Sometimes I feel like I should be my own experiment, just when you think you have things under control you are given a present. A present that throws you off, and reminds you that you aren't under control, and that you aren't "normal"! Don't you just love those kinds of presents, they are kind of like little reality checks, like ha ha I got you now!!! But, I refuse to let this presents take a hold of me, instead I am on a mission to figure them out!
Before I present my hypothesis that I need to research let me give you a little background.
It was probably around February that I started getting itchy skin. I wasn't concerned at first, because in the winter (well what is considered winter for Texas), my skin gets itchy and dry so I thought it was just my yearly itchy skin. Fast forward to March, and I was still itchy! Figured it was probably just stress. Around the same time a friend of mine who also doesn't have a thyroid was also experiencing itchy skin. She went to the allergist and low and behold some food allergies were discovered. I continued about my way, scratching and scratching noticing little bumps on my skin but being the stubborn mule that I am I just chose to ignore. Until, one day after eating a snack pack of mixed nuts I noticed hive like bumps. Uh-oh, maybe I am allergic to nuts, no not me I always eat nuts never had a problem. I LOVE nuts, it can't be that. After being convinced be a family member that maybe I should get checked just in case, off I went to the allergist. I discovered I now have several food allergies: rice, egg white, pistachios, cashews, yeast, and salmon. Yeast and Salmon have come up before but I don't eat Salmon and yeast is in everything so I typically avoided yeast rolls and stuff just seems like it would be filled with more yeast then normal, but now my list got longer! I was given a epi-pen just in case, and told to keep a food journal and write down my reaction to foods. I was told to pick one category and if I continued to itch then move to another category. So, I started with eliminating nuts ( not just the ones that came up positive , but all nuts) . In case your wondering why I eliminated all nuts, well one because I got freaked out with the thought that a nut could send me into shock, and two because of cross contamination. Hip Hip Hooray, eliminating nuts has helped tremendously, but I have noticed some itchy skin reactions with eggs , and also beer. I am now starting to convince myself to eliminate eggs, and more yeast from my diet. It's not easy, but if it means feeling better then one step at a time right? Of course, I am also trying to figure out if it's in my head, or if it really is making me itch!
So,with these food allergies comes questions. My friends and family have said that's so weird that you would get all these food allergies, and then they typically follow up with a question. Is that normal, for adults to get allergies? My answer, thanks to google and a little bit of "research" : why yes people can develop allergies at any age, they can also be allergic at one point in their lives to something and then no longer allergic.
Being the curious person that I am, I have now developed a hypothesis or maybe it's more of a research question.
Remember back to when I said my friend also developed some food allergies around the same time, surprisingly one of her allergies is also rice. So, I started thinking hmm is their a connection between being thyroidless and developing allergies? Maybe, but she doesn't have Hashimotos, but maybe there is something some kind of connection. Of course I got on google right away and started hunting for an answer. Unfortunately, I didn't come across much information. This could be because it was a quick hunt, and I haven't had much time to really "research" this. Then from there I started thinking, really thinking. If Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease that attacks your thyroid then maybe ,just maybe since I don't have a thyroid anymore my body has decided to attack food?? Some people say, well yeah but no thyroid means you don't have Hashimotos anymore: WRONG!!! Most things I have read say taking out your thyroid doesn't mean Hashimotos goes away. Oh!!!!!!! is the reaction I get when I say that. So what about my friend the one who doesn't have a thyroid and doesn't have Hashimotos, well that goes back to my original question. Is there a connection to food allergies and no thyroid or thyroid problems for that matter? I do plan to do some google research on this, I am sure there are others out there, or maybe no one has really looked into this. Either way, I think it worth looking into!
Any of you thyroidless friends or thyroid issue friends noticed any new food allergies? If so, have you found any info on this? Please share, I am very curious!
I know it's been a while since I have posted. As usual, I got very busy with work and school! I have a break form school right now so I decided it would be a good time to write something. I wanted to share my question, see if anyone has an answer, so here it goes!
As we all know problems with the thyroid often means problems with something else. Well, I have now discovered a new problem. Sometimes I feel like I should be my own experiment, just when you think you have things under control you are given a present. A present that throws you off, and reminds you that you aren't under control, and that you aren't "normal"! Don't you just love those kinds of presents, they are kind of like little reality checks, like ha ha I got you now!!! But, I refuse to let this presents take a hold of me, instead I am on a mission to figure them out!
Before I present my hypothesis that I need to research let me give you a little background.
It was probably around February that I started getting itchy skin. I wasn't concerned at first, because in the winter (well what is considered winter for Texas), my skin gets itchy and dry so I thought it was just my yearly itchy skin. Fast forward to March, and I was still itchy! Figured it was probably just stress. Around the same time a friend of mine who also doesn't have a thyroid was also experiencing itchy skin. She went to the allergist and low and behold some food allergies were discovered. I continued about my way, scratching and scratching noticing little bumps on my skin but being the stubborn mule that I am I just chose to ignore. Until, one day after eating a snack pack of mixed nuts I noticed hive like bumps. Uh-oh, maybe I am allergic to nuts, no not me I always eat nuts never had a problem. I LOVE nuts, it can't be that. After being convinced be a family member that maybe I should get checked just in case, off I went to the allergist. I discovered I now have several food allergies: rice, egg white, pistachios, cashews, yeast, and salmon. Yeast and Salmon have come up before but I don't eat Salmon and yeast is in everything so I typically avoided yeast rolls and stuff just seems like it would be filled with more yeast then normal, but now my list got longer! I was given a epi-pen just in case, and told to keep a food journal and write down my reaction to foods. I was told to pick one category and if I continued to itch then move to another category. So, I started with eliminating nuts ( not just the ones that came up positive , but all nuts) . In case your wondering why I eliminated all nuts, well one because I got freaked out with the thought that a nut could send me into shock, and two because of cross contamination. Hip Hip Hooray, eliminating nuts has helped tremendously, but I have noticed some itchy skin reactions with eggs , and also beer. I am now starting to convince myself to eliminate eggs, and more yeast from my diet. It's not easy, but if it means feeling better then one step at a time right? Of course, I am also trying to figure out if it's in my head, or if it really is making me itch!
So,with these food allergies comes questions. My friends and family have said that's so weird that you would get all these food allergies, and then they typically follow up with a question. Is that normal, for adults to get allergies? My answer, thanks to google and a little bit of "research" : why yes people can develop allergies at any age, they can also be allergic at one point in their lives to something and then no longer allergic.
Being the curious person that I am, I have now developed a hypothesis or maybe it's more of a research question.
Remember back to when I said my friend also developed some food allergies around the same time, surprisingly one of her allergies is also rice. So, I started thinking hmm is their a connection between being thyroidless and developing allergies? Maybe, but she doesn't have Hashimotos, but maybe there is something some kind of connection. Of course I got on google right away and started hunting for an answer. Unfortunately, I didn't come across much information. This could be because it was a quick hunt, and I haven't had much time to really "research" this. Then from there I started thinking, really thinking. If Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease that attacks your thyroid then maybe ,just maybe since I don't have a thyroid anymore my body has decided to attack food?? Some people say, well yeah but no thyroid means you don't have Hashimotos anymore: WRONG!!! Most things I have read say taking out your thyroid doesn't mean Hashimotos goes away. Oh!!!!!!! is the reaction I get when I say that. So what about my friend the one who doesn't have a thyroid and doesn't have Hashimotos, well that goes back to my original question. Is there a connection to food allergies and no thyroid or thyroid problems for that matter? I do plan to do some google research on this, I am sure there are others out there, or maybe no one has really looked into this. Either way, I think it worth looking into!
Any of you thyroidless friends or thyroid issue friends noticed any new food allergies? If so, have you found any info on this? Please share, I am very curious!
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