Sunday, September 18, 2011

A little food happy this week

This wednesday is my Birthday, and for some reason I got it into my head that since this week is my birthday that I can eat whatever I want.    I know my thinking is off, so I am going to do my best to eat healthy for as many meals as possible with the exception of my birthday dinner meal on wednesday.    I also plan on getting myself to bootcamp on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of this week.   Unfortunatly, I won't be able to go to my weight watchers meeting because I plan on celebrating my birthday on Wednesday evening which is when I have been going to the meetings.     I think that is another reason why I got it into my head that I could eat whatever I want because I know I am not going to the meeting.     So, I need to just rethink my food happiness and remember that the more I eat, the more I gain, and then when I do go back to weight watchers I will be mad because I let myself get so off track.   I need to figure out a way to keep myself motivated this week.   Any suggestions????  Maybe I should stick a reminder to my mirror or to my phone or something that says..  Remember if you eat bad you will suffer the consequences?? Ha Ha  

1 comment:

  1. i struggle with this everyday myself...staying motivated but i think it's about consciously be aware of what i am putting in my mouth every single time! good luck and have a great birthday!


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